A simple unit conversion app allowing conversions between over 60 different units with the swipe of your thumb. Color coding keeps selection simple, and easy entry of scientific notation makes very large and very small numbers a breeze. Internet access is not required; conversions do not use an internet connection.
- You can either swipe from right to left, or press "Convert something else" to select units.
- To get back to the conversion screen you can swipe from left to right, or click "Done".
- To convert a value, after typing it in one of the two text boxes, swipe down to complete the conversion, or press "Konvurt".
- The value to convert from is always the value in the text box you last interacted with.
- To make a value negative tap "-" once. To make it negative with a negative exponent tap "-" twice. To make it positive with a negative exponent tap "-" three times. Tapping "-" four times will have no effect.
- To add or remove scientific notation simply tap the "e" button.
- To dismiss the keyboard when searching on the unit selection page, swipe down from the dark area (Not the red)
- To search on the unit selection page, simply type part or all of the name of the unit youre interested in and your options for units will narrow down to meet your search.
- To cancel a search and get back to the complete list of units, click the x in the search bar or delete the text in the search bar.